miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

My favourite singer (description paragraph)

Today, I am going to talk about my favourite singer. His name is Andrés Suárez and he is a very nice man, he lives in Gallicia and he is a singer-songwriter. I found him the last summer when my personal situation was horrible. My mother was in the hospital because she had a tumor on the heart.

Thus one day my cousin showed me a song which name is ''Vuelve''. this night I was listening this song a lot of time and it maked me feel better, much better. I remember that I cried a lot but, I got sleep without wake me  up in the middle of the night.

Since this day, I hear ''Vuelve'' every night although my mother is in the livinroom. My boyfriend bought me two tickets to go to a concert of him, I was really excited, and when I saw him for first time on the stage singing my song I burnt into tears but I was happy.

To my mind, listening his music helped me a lot because he write about real things like poverty, love, broken hearts... This month I am going to go to a concert of Andrés Suárez again. I cannot wait for see him singing my favourite song with his beautiful voice... IT WILL BE FANTASTIC!!

''Vuelve pronto y se fue con las flores...''


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