domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Opinion Paragraph: being alone is the key sometimes,

A lot of people prefer being surrounded by people, but I like being alone sometimes. I can think and relax without anyone annoying me. I usually listen to music and think of my childhood, my old friends... How happy I was in the past, and I sometimes, when I think about my grandfather and his beautiful way of thinking, I cry. ''Crying is a good way to purify your soul'' he always said.

However people prefer being accompained by others. They think that they don't need to be alone, but it is a big error. If you aren't alone sometimes, you can explode and get angry for something. Taking your time alone, you can burst into tears if you want, and then, you can go out with your friends without thinking about your problems.

Thus, one advice is that you are alone ten or fifteen minutes everyday; think about all your life, turn on your radio and dance, sing, cry! Everything you want. Being alone for a while can help you purify your soul, so that you can be happier than before

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